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16 photos

The Cabrillo Highway 1 from San Simeon to the Bixby Creek Bridge on California's Pacific West Coast is among the most scenic drives in the United States of America. You need no other justification, just a sports car with the top down, a full tank of gas, some good tunes to listen to, a pair of sunglasses and 4-6 hours to enjoy all the scenic overlooks along the way. That's what I did...and I loved what surprised me at every turn. I wish you the same opportunity in your lifetime.

NOTE: to see a map location of each photo, just click on the URL in the caption block
Seals playingSeals baskingPiedras Blancas Light StationSan Martin RockSan Martin RockPoint SurWillow Creek Picnic GroundWillow Creek Picnic GroundWillow Creek Picnic GroundPfeiffer Beach, Little Sur RiverBixby LandingBixby LandingBixby LandingBixby LandingBixby Creek BridgeBixby Creek Bridge

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:North America
Subcategory Detail:United States of America